Established in 1994, VCT Vector Gestion SA is an independant Swiss wealth management
company providing customized solutions to an international and local clientele.


We uphold the values of respect, high standards and integrity. Our approach is based on the quality of the service we provide to our clients, expertise in financial management and total investment independence

You are unique,
Your situation is unique,
Your environment is unique,

Vector Gestion provides you with a tailor-made response.

Vector Gestion focuses on the person and not just on their wealth.

We seek to understand your overall situation in order to master your specificities as best we can.

We are fundamentally independent.

The shares are owned by the senior managers. The Board of Directors is made up of a majority of independent members. Vector Gestion’s is totally independent of custodian banks and other partners.

At Vector Gestion: “We say what we do and we do what we say.”

Decisions and their implementation are carried out in Nyon, Lausanne or Geneva. The line of action is clearly expressed and your investment manager adheres to it. Robotized, standardized management is not our style.

Vector Gestion achieved first place in the IBO 2018 ranking for the management of low-risk portfolios. This award encourages our team to persevere with our strategy of controlling portfolio risks in all market phases.

Our team

Based in Nyon, Lausanne and Geneva, Vector Gestion employs some twenty-five professionals.

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L’endettement des états : une bombe à retardement ?

L’endettement des états : une bombe à retardement ?

« L’endettement des états est un sujet préoccupant pour les économistes et les citoyens, notamment aux États-Unis et en France, où les niveaux de dettes sont alarmants. Aux États-Unis, la dette publique est colossale. Elle dépasse 34’000 milliards de dollars, soit...

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