Vector Gestion

Established in 1994, VCT Vector Gestion SA is a Swiss company active in wealth management, offering a highly-personalized services to a local and international clientele.

Vector Gestion is a Portfolio Manager supervised by FINMA with a team of over twenty-five specialsits from different backgrounds. They’re fully committed to their clients on a long-term basis and contribute a wealth of experience and cutting-edge skills in their field.

Based in Nyon, Lausanne and Geneva, Vector Gestion is a Portfolio Manager supervised by FINMA and AOOS and member of ASG (Association Suisse des Gérants de Fortune).

Our model


Coming from reputed banking institutions, the talented professionals we have been able to attract have remained loyal to us, bringing consistency to the relationships we build with our clients.


Ever since we were established, we have demonstrated the great soundness of our business model, driven by a clear vision of the future and a proactive approach in an ever-changing environment.


Our strong local roots enable us to be close to our clients, to understand their environment and to let them benefit from a network of first-rate specialists (notaries, tax and legal experts).

Our strengths

  • a quality human relationship than enables a personalized approach to wealth management
  • an in-depth knowledge of the financial products we propose
  • rigour in our approach to investment
  • guidance that goes beyond traditional wealth management
  • transparent management fees, but also flexible pricing
  • a human-sized structure, allowing trust-based relationships to be built over the long term.

Our vision

Although they have different styles, approaches and backgrounds, our managers and employees are united around the same vision of the business:
  • irreproachable ethics
  • total loyalty to our clients
  • absolute management requirements
  • complete independence in terms of investments choices or custodian bank



Dominique Blanchard

Wealth manager

Yves Charlet

Chief Operating Officer

Jérôme Cherpillod

Investment manager

Elsa Barbosa


Bernard Chappuis


Alexandre Currat

Wealth manager

Stéphanie Demont


Christophe Donzé

Wealth Manager

Christian Fanti

Wealth manager

Giacomo Freda

Wealth manager

Stephan Germann

Investment advisor

Alexandre Jost

Wealth manager

Véronique Fontaine

deputy compliance officer

Sandrine Furrer

Chief compliance

Nabila Martin


Michel Marguerat

Wealth manager

Philippe Oberson

Wealth manager

Yvan Philip

Wealth manager

Nicoletta Ricci Lucca

Administrative assistant

Bartu Ugurtas

Wealth manager

Reza Porouchani

Wealth manager

Philippe Rochat

Wealth manager

Laurent Schneiter

Wealth manager

Mehdi Zahedi

Brand Ambassador


Dominique Blanchard

Wealth manager

Jérôme Cherpillod

Investment manager

Christophe Donzé

Wealth Manager

Véronique Fontaine


Nabila Martin


Bartu Ugurtas

Wealth manager

Yves Charlet

Chief Operating Officer

Stéphanie Demont


Christian Fanti

Wealth manager

Sandrine Furrer

Chief compliance

Nicoletta Ricci Lucca

Administrative assistant


Elsa Barbosa


Alexandre Currat

Wealth manager

Stephan Germann

Investment advisor

Michel Marguerat

Wealth manager

Yvan Philip

Wealth manager

Philippe Rochat

Wealth manager

Mehdi Zahedi

Wealth Manager

Bernard Chappuis


Giacomo Freda

Wealth manager

Alexandre Jost

Wealth manager

Philippe Oberson

Wealth manager

Reza Porouchani

Wealth manager

Laurent Schneiter

Wealth manager


Our Board of Directors is independent; only one director is an employee of the company.

Dominique Blanchard
Jacques R. Meyer

Aurélia Rappo


Audit & certification

  • All financial intermediaries authorised by FINMA are subject to prudential supervision by a supervisory organisation (OS).
  • An external supervisory body is in charge of verifying proper application of laws and regulations.
  • LBA Audit Sàrl is the independent auditor that conducts an annual audit according to FINMA and OS directives.